Vector Maps
Markers on the world map
Gross domestic product (GDP) by country
USA unemployment
Data for 2009
The following example demonstrates the visualization of unemployment statistics in the USA by states and metropolitan areas in a 5-years time-period. The step-by-step process of creation of such a map is described in the tutorial. The code in Ruby used to convert data could be found in this repository.
Regions selection
The following example demonstrates the feature of jVectorMap that allows selection of regions and/or markers by user or programmatically. Specific styles could be assigned for the selected items. User selection is saved between page reloads in the local storage.
French presidential election, 2007
French presidential election, 2012
Generate random colors
The following example demonstrates how to set colors directly for the map. The map is painted to the random colors upon loading. You can click "Update colors" to generate new colors for the map.
Map of the mall
Example of custom map created from SVG using converter available here. Please note that if you use map generated from SVG you need to position markers by pixel coordinates, not by latitude and longitude as in case of map generated from GIS data.
Reverse projection
This example demonstrates the ability to convert pixel coordinates on map to the repsective latitude and longitude coordinates. Click on the map adds marker to the clicked point, click on the added marker removes it.